Join our Early Access program for Free!

Enjoy access to all kangaroutine has to offer while providing feedback to help us improve.

kid checklist on refridgerator

Friday, February 16th, 2024

Welcome to kangaroutine! We are excited to have you join us.

We built kangaroutine to help our own kids get out the door on time in the mornings with less stress and handholding (...and repeating ourselves). It worked for us, so we want to share it with you!

kangaroutine is in Early Access and we are looking for feedback to help us improve. We are offering free access to kangaroutine for a limited time to those who are willing to provide feedback.

How to get free access:

Sign up
First you have to create your account on kangaroutine. Your account will be automatically unlocked for free.
Share with your friends
Share kangaroutine with your friends, and we will be sure they get in free too.
Send us feedback
Then, send your feedback to us so we can make kangaroutine better.

We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy using kangaroutine!

Thank you,
The Kremer Family

kangaroutine logo
Stress free mornings with kangaroutine.

© 2024 Six Twenty Five LLC